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Saturday, September 28, 2019

2019 Tolkien Blog Party Tag

Tag answers for Hamlette's Tolkien Blog Party!  Thanks for hosting!   Lots of fun posts from people to read, go check it out!

1.  ...join Thorin's Company or the Fellowship?
Thorin's Company.  I adore the Fellowship... but they don't need me.  Thorin's company... they could use a scout.  It also not an end-of-the-world adventure, so that makes it more appealing as well.

2.  ...ride Shadowfax or an eagle?
An eagle, of course.  I would love to fly.

3. through Moria or Mirkwood?
Mirkwood, any day.  I'm much more comfortable in the forest -- any forest -- than underground.  Now Erebor or Mirkwood?  Erebor, baby, but I don't have any love for Moria.

4.  ...learn to make elvish rope or mithril chainmail?
Both?  I think I would enjoy making chainmail much more, though.

5.  ...try to outwit Smaug or Saruman?
Saruman, definitely.  Smaug likes his riddles and word play and toying with you, and I suck at those.  Saruman is more direct and at least I could actually fight him if it came to that, whereas you can't really fight a dragon.  I would lose to either, but Smaug would roast me and that is not a way I want to go.  I would much rather be defeated by Saruman.

6.  ...spend an hour with Grima Wormtongue or Denethor?
Denethor.  Grima is just plain icky, but I'm fine with Denethor.  I don't have the issues with him most people seem to have.

7.  ...attend Faramir's wedding or Samwise's wedding?
 Faramir's, I believe.  It would be more formal and have more people, and I could disappear into a corner and just watch things.  Hobbits would try to talk to me and engage me at Sam's wedding, cuz they're all so hobbity and way too much for me.

8.  ...have to care for the One Ring or the Arkenstone for a day?
Arkenstone.  The One Ring, even for a day, would be detrimental to one's well being.

9.  ...have tea with Bilbo or Frodo?
Bilbo.  I like Frodo, but Bilbo is awesome.  He would be a much more enjoyable tea companion.

10.  ...fight alongside Boromir or Eomer?
Boromir.   I have no love of Eomer.  


Olivia said...

Nice answers!

I think Saruman would just be preferable altogether. I'm no good at riddles, but I think it'd almost be halfway enjoyable to debate philosophy and worldview with Saruman.

Thankful for Grace said...

Hi Deb, I was thinking about you recently. (We watched a movie with Vic Morrow, and I remembered that you like him). Hope all is well with you. Are you still loving life in Idaho? I got your Christmas card last year, but we moved (downsized) in November, and I was too busy unpacking to send cards. Alas, I lost your card, so I no longer have your address, hence why I am reaching out through your blog.

I've never gone back to my movie blog, but I do write a home/family blog. It was private for many years, but I decided to make it public recently. I miss the blogging community the way it was several years ago.

Patti Gardner

DKoren said...

Hiya! I've missed you! I also miss the blogging community from several years ago. I realized part of the reason I don't post much anymore here is that my core group of online blogging friends all dissipated about the same time, so there weren't may people I cared about to interact with here anymore. I'd love to reconnect. I am loving Idaho still so much. Wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Is your email address still the same? If it is, I still have it and can email you so we can exchange addresses, etc. Hope the move went smoothly and you're liking your new place. Are you still in Idaho?

Thankful for Grace said...

Still in Idaho, just went about 12 miles, from Nampa to Boise. We love our smaller, close-in location! email address is probably what you have

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I was really missing blogging, so I decided to just make my private one public.

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