Films Reviewed on this Blog

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Christmas Movies Tag

I watched very few movies this year, both at home and in the theater.  There were three months where I only watched a single movie each month. I saw exactly three movies in the theater: Alien (1979), which was fantastic, of course, Horizon (loved it), and The Return (huge disappointment). On the other hand, I read a lot more this year than I have in previous years, which was great.

So, as we head into the new year, let's do this tag!  This is a hard one for me, as I watch very few Christmas movies.  There's nothing I "have" to see during this season, and if I don't watch a single Christmas movie during this season, I'd be fine with that. My family didn't create any Christmas movie traditions.  We'd watch whatever came on television, if my dad wanted to see it, but that's about it.

I was tagged by Hamlette for this one!  Thanks!

The Rules:
  • Fill out the prompts (expound as much or as little as you like)
  • Tag some friends (however many or few you feel like)
  • Have fun (this is mandatory)
The Tag:

1.  A favorite funny Christmas movie: Er... um... Die Hard (1988) - No, obviously not a comedy, but I laugh throughout at the dialogue, more than any other movie I watch at this time of year, and I walk away smiling and happy so... yeah, going with this one.

2.  A favorite poignant Christmas movie: It's a Wonderful Life (1946) - I never tire of this one, it always makes me cry no matter how many times I've seen it. My favorite Christmas movie.

3.  A favorite romantic Christmas movie: Love Actually (2003) - nothing about this movie is what I would normally go for, but it won me over almost immediately and now it's a favorite.

4.  A favorite feel-good Christmas movie: The Bishop's Wife (1947) - It all comes down to Cary Grant decorating that Christmas tree.

5.  A favorite movie adaptation of A Christmas Carol: None.  I've never seen any movie versions.

6.  A Christmas movie you watch any time of year: We're No Angels (1955). I know it's a Christmas movie, set at Christmas, but I tend to not think of it as one, for some reason, so I'm as likely to watch it in summer as around the holidays.

7.  A Christmas movie that surprised you: The Holiday (2006) - I didn't expect to like this one, but like Love Actually, it won me over.

8.  A favorite "but is it really a Christmas movie?" movie: Ben-Hur (1959) - No, it's not a Christmas movie, but they always showed it on television every Christmas when I was growing up, so in my mind, it's hard to disassociate it with the season. 

9.  The oldest Christmas movie you've seen: Babes in Toyland (1934) - This Laurel and Hardy movie is one I grew up with and one my family still watches. Love it so much!

10.  The newest Christmas movie you've seen: A Christmas Prince (2017) - Back when I had Netflix and more time on my hands, I would watch random things, and this was one of them.  I enjoyed it enough that I watched it a second time a few years later.

Not tagging anyone, as I've been so inactive here this lat year, I don't think anyone actually stops by nowadays! :-D


Hamlette (Rachel) said...

I guess I shouldn't be shocked that you've never seen a movie version of A Christmas Carol since you don't like the book. Though, actually, the short story that It's a Wonderful Life is based on was basically a modern reimagining of ACC, with an angel instead of three ghosts, and a nice everyman instead of a rich jerk. So... you kinda have.

I should watch The Bishop's Wife again sometime. I watched it once in high school and didn't like it, but you know how so many of the movies I was meh about then are ones I like now. Maybe next winter.

DKoren said...

I think I saw the George C. Scott version when it came out, but that was, gulp, 40 years ago, so I have little memory of the details. I still think it's funny that I wrote that C! story that involved Christmas Carol.

I remember that seeing The Bishop's wife as an adult was a far different movie than it was when I was young. Still comes down to the Christmas tree scene, though. LOL.

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