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Sunday, June 11, 2006

Now I just have to write it

Ah, the garage sale story flash fiction idea came yesterday. Gee. WWII inspired, like just about everything I've written lately from DTD to C! fiction. I was wondering a couple days ago, though, why everything I happened to be reading/watching right this particularly moment was about Italy and not France. It was starting to frustrate me, but then in the middle of it, there's my garage sale. So, all things really do seem to have a purpose.


DKoren said...

If you don't really do garage sales over there, how do people generally dispose of excess items? Take them somewhere? Throw them out in the trash? What's the scoop?

Yay for ideas!

DKoren said...

A car boot sale!! I love it! Sounds like our flea markets, except with the actual vehicles serving as the individual sales boothes instead of folding tables.

Jamie said...

I can't wait to read both!!! Write! Write! Write!

::waves to Wirewalker:: Long time to chat!

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