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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

NaNoWriMo approacheth

And the inevitable question -- what do I choose as this year's project? Do I do the one I had intended to start last year, and ended up dropping in favor of a hotter project on Otober 31st? It's the first book of the Mystic fantasy trilogy. I'm actually leaning towards not doing it again, and writing something new and unplotted. I have this young adult fantasy novel idea. It would be different for me, and therefore fresh and 180 degrees from last year's novel. Might be a good thing. I have exactly one page of notes on it. It's tentatively called "The Barristal Riders" but who knows if that will stay or not. I like the idea a lot, so that give it sway. Though I like the Mystic books too, they're just more involved than I think I want to go right now. I think I want something different. The problem is, I know I can write the Mystic book... I know the whole story, it's just a matter of getting it down on paper. It would be a safe option, a relatively easy option. I know only a paragraph's worth of plot on the YA book. I could get partway in and fizzle. Course, that's always a risk on any story.

Well, there's most of a month still to decide, though I'd like to do a chunk of plotting first before I begin.

1 comment:

DKoren said...

You'll be fine...

Yeah, so you say... Why am I dreading this one so much then? That committment...

You'd better give it a go, it'll be no fun without you along for the madness.

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