Films Reviewed on this Blog

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Not an auspicious beginning

Okay, so on my birthday, I wished for one thing. That my muse come back from whatever extended holiday he's been enjoying and work with me, damn it. In turn, I promised focus and industrious work on whatever he gave me.

So, big (BIG!) note to self: 'Dear Deb -- when making such promises about writing, do not -- repeat, do not start off your first writing night by watching any movie where Aldo Ray goes shirtless. It renders your brain (and most of the rest of you) to mush, from which it takes hours to recover. And little to no writing will get done, and you will just get pointlessly angry. Reading. Reading's the ticket. Thanks.'


Anonymous said...

Am I going to have to come out there and censor your DVD collection? ;-) Remember: there is only ONE beefy blond for you, got it? LOL


Rachel Kovaciny said...

Of course, if you'd watched a movie where Aldo remained shirted, that woulda made all the difference, right? Lol.

Why is it that certain movies can be inspiring and get us in the perfect mood to write a particular piece, and other movies can star the exact same people and just induce pails of drool with no inspirational side effects whatsoever? Sigh.

DKoren said...

Maggie, I only looked! Honest!

Daisy - Smarty pants! Don't you remember those vast quantities of quality words I turned out after Battle Cry, Angels, and DB? Words like "drool" and "swoon," repeated frequently?

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm very proud of you!!


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