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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

flash fiction

So, I just read that my entry "Life Sentence" to Concept Sci-fi's 150-word competition made the short list and now goes on to judging by Walter Jon Williams. I'm excited cuz I haven't been writing short stories at all for awhile now, so it's neat to see this little bit of fiction go somewhere, particularly as it was written directly using techniques learned in the Think Sideways course.


Rabia said...


Ginger Ingenue said...

Yes, congratulations!! That's exciting!

I really hope you win. :)


What's this 'Think Sideways' course about?

DKoren said...


Ginger -- the Think Sideways course is a writing course offered by author Holly Lisle. She's basically offering all her techniques and skills that have allowed her to make a living as a mid-list novelist for the last 17 years. It's been pretty interesting so far, with some really solid techniques I wish I'd known about years ago. Some things don't work for me and how I write, but, surprisingly, a lot does. There's a link in the sidebar for more information on what she offers.

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