Films Reviewed on this Blog

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Double feature at the Egyptian

I couldn't resist heading to the Egyptian theater in Hollywood last night to catch a double feature:  The Wild Bunch and The Dirty Dozen.  The latter, of course, is one of my top five movies of all time, but I've never been able to see it on the big screen.  That has been remedied... sort of.  These are playing as part of a tribute to Ernest Borgnine.  They've had several other movies I've really wanted to go see this past week, but alas, have to pick and choose, and I chose my favorites over seeing some new movies.

It was a pretty nice 35 mm print of The Wild Bunch.  It's actually the first time I've seen William Holden in color on the big screen, and boy, that was nice.  His blue eyes are gorgeous on television, but on the big screen?  Wow.  And Pike Bishop is my favorite character he plays, so it was really neat to see it big screen, for so many reasons.  Great experience, with a large audience that was quite vocal and appreciative.

The Dirty Dozen was not a film print, it was apparently a projected blu ray, and... that was disappointing.  It didn't seem to fit the screen right, and it just lacked that natural big screen feel that Wild Bunch had.  Nonetheless, it was still The Dirty Dozen on the big screen, and I still loved every minute of it.  And I had that new problem of what to look at on screen?  After seeing the film 50-60 times small screen, suddenly, I had to choose where to direct my eyes.  Ack!  Who to focus on in a scene?  It so made me wish it was playing again, as I'd go right back again to watch different things.  Mostly, I chose to watch my favorite character in the film, Franko, played by John Cassavetes.  But yeah, I still saw new things, read those signs in the corners, picked up on details you just can't see on DVD.  It was great.

It was two long movies that didn't start until after 7:30 pm, and I did not get home until after 2 in the morning, but it was totally worth it. 


Patti said...

I would love to see William Holden on the big screen!! Maybe not in "The Wild Bunch" (as you know). Then again, that means Robert Ryan on the big screen as well. Sounds like an awesome time. I'm glad you got a chance to go, even if it did make for a very late night.

And isn't Ryan in "The Dirty Dozen" too?

How nice that Ernest Borgnine was given a tribute like that.

Millie said...

Helllloooo! This a completely random comment that has nothing to do with your awesome post (although, I do quite love seeing old movies on the big screen and your experience sounds seriously fun)!

My real reason to comment is because I just saw Kiss Me Deadly and am now in love with Ralph Meeker. For some reason I always think of you when I see Ralph Meeker's I simply had to tell you! hahaha

Well, anyway, how has life been going for you? I've been so behind on blog reading, but I will definitely be getting back to yours! :-D


DKoren said...

Ooohhhhhh!!!! Wasn't it awesome? Isn't he amazing? And he's mine, all mine! mwah-hah-hah! No, I share... really. But isn't he awesome? No, you'll have to check him out in Jeopardy, with Barbara Stanwyck. You will not be disappointed. No sirree. Check it out immediately! :-D

Good to hear from you too! Life's been... busy. Real life busy, which is never as fun, but hey. Bills must be paid. Just now trying to get back into blogging regularly again, after a several month absence.

DKoren said...

Yep, it was a Robert Ryan double-feature for me! I love him in both movies, though he plays a much cooler character in Wild Bunch. He looked pretty darn good on the big screen too!

Millie said...

No, no. I understand. It's not like I share Bradford Dillman with anyone. And, of course, I'm married to Dana Andrews. hahaahahha

I am so on it. I LOOOOVE The Stanwyck!

Same here. My life has been dreadfully busy and I've gotten away from blogging too! I'm glad you're back and hopefully I'll be writing more regularly too! :-D

Laura said...

Loved reading about your experience! Too bad about one of the prints being suboptimal, though. Strange!

The Egyptian is showing 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA next month, which I've never seen -- and later that day UCLA is showing ONLY ANGELS HAVE WINGS which I've also never seen. Decisions, decisions!

So glad you got to have this movie experience!

Best wishes,

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