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Monday, January 07, 2013

What's up, Netflix?

Please please please tell me Netflix did NOT change their search views of movies for actors/directors from an easy-to-read, all-movies-on-one-page display, to a new view with like only ten movies on a page, with a picture of the DVD cover and a description all on the main page now.  Those latter two items used to be in a nice little pop up only if you wanted to see them.  Because this new display is not an improvement.  This is frustrating.  And awkward.  And why the heck would I want to now scroll through multiple pages to see all movies for a certain performer?  Netflix just made browsing for movies twice as hard and twice as long. 

Was there something wrong with all movies displayed on one page where I can see what I've seen and not seen in one spot??

Please tell me this is a temporary glitch, and I'm not going to begin to hate going to Netflix's website.


Patti said...

I haven't been on NF in over a month. My kids use it for TV shows, so it's not like I'm paying for nothing. However, several months ago, we ceased the DVD part of the package and remained with the streaming-only. At that point, I was hit with a different style of page. Instead of getting every movie they had (DVD AND streaming), I only get hits of streaming movies. I understand that I couldn't obtain a DVD without having that membership, but not even being able to read synopses or reviews of those items is frustrating.

All that to say, I've been unhappy with NF's website for months.

Raquel Stecher said...

Oh my goodness, I went quickly to Netflix to see what you were talking about. It seems like Netflix wants to cater to the user who doesn't know what to watch instead of the informed viewer who knows exactly what they want. Ugh!

One way to get around the problem you just mentioned is to click on the name of the actor or actress in the first film listed. For example, I just did a search for Robert Mitchum and his top 10 appeared. In the first movie listed, there were a bunch of actors linked and I clicked on his name. Then the regular list of his total movies, organized by date popped up. This is a quick and easy workaround.

DKoren said...

Thanks, Raquel, that explains how I got to the 'old' page once, then couldn't figure out how I did it. I will use that as a workaround for now. And yes, like many other things I've noticed elsewhere lately, it seems this is one more case of dumbing things down. Drives me nuts.

DKoren said...

Wow, they don't even let you browse the DVDs anymore?? That's discouraging. At least if they showed you what you were missing, you might be tempted to return to renting DVDs. If you can't see them, who would ever want to "upgrade"? Agreed on the fact that their website functionality and ease of use is declining. Sigh.

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