Films Reviewed on this Blog

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

 My first classic film on the big screen this year is The Adventures of Robin Hood.

I was a bit sad that I was the only one in the theater, though.  Granted it's a 10 am matinee, but still.  Just me?  For a great, rousing classic movie like Robin Hood?  I haven't much to say about it that hasn't been said by others.  The film is thoroughly enjoyable and was, of course, even better on the big screen.  Love those sword fights. Love the colors and Maid Marian's costumes really look fabulous up close.  You can pick out details in the fabrics, etc.  I'm particularly fond of the gown she wears to the archery tournament.  The white fading into the blue is just exquisite.  I may have had a private screening, but I wouldn't have missed it.

2014 has not started out well for me, so I apologize for the absence.  Hopefully things will improve.


James the Reviewer said...

The Adventures of Robin Hood is still my favorite version of the story, and I have seen quite a few throughout the years. Errol Flynn is still my favorite version of the too. I agree, those sword fights are great and they still really hold up well today. They are still better than some of the sword fights in today's movies. A private screening in the theater would be a lot of fun!


Patti said...

First of all, I'm sorry that 2014 hasn't started out well for you. I can relate---it's been difficult for me too. Hopefully, things will even out soon for both of us.

I have never seen this film. I had hoped to watch it last July as part of my Olivia deHavilland month, but then I ended up going out of town for 10 days and didn't get around to it. It's definitely a film I want to see.

Wow, the only person in the theatre? That is something, especially given where you live. As you know, last August, I took in 3 Maureen O'Hara films that were being screened at our downtown historic theatre. Although "The Quiet Man" was packed, the next 2 films were very sparsely attended---maybe 20 people. I thought that was sad, but having no one other than yourself interested in "The Adventures of Robin Hood" is even more sad.

Take care!

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

I would have gone if I could! That's both a) horribly sad that no one else bothered, and b) rather groovy that it was allllllll yours. Been so long since I had a private screening like that, and I miss it.

Laura said...

Hi Deb! You spent the morning watching ROBIN HOOD and I spent it with Jack Ryan. :) What a shame no one came -- that is one of my all-time most favorite films ever. Everything about it is perfect, and I think it may be the greatest movie score ever.

I was very sorry to hear the year has not started well for you and hope very much that things turn around for you ASAP! Also hope to see you at a screening soon -- perhaps something in the Anthony Mann series at UCLA?

Best wishes,

DKoren said...

I agree, James. This is my favorite version as well. Errol Flynn is unbeatable as Robin, and the rest of the cast is perfect here too.

DKoren said...

Thanks. I wish I could see it's getting better, but I now seem to be coming down with flu my sister just had, so... that's a negative. Sigh. I'll email you soon.

Yeah, usually there's a few other people who come out for these screenings. It's a Wonderful Life had about 30 people. This theater does have 8 pm showings each night as well as the matinee, so I'm hoping those had a better turn out.

DKoren said...

I know you would have. :-D

DKoren said...

I love Korngold's score to Robin Hood! It just fits it so well.

I would very much like to meet up with you at a screening soon. I'll need to check the UCLA schedule.

Carissa (Regency Woman) said...

I wish there was a local theater for me that played classic movies! This is one of my absolute favs and that would be so fantastic to see it on the big screen!

I'm Carissa, by the way. :) I think you found my blog through Hamlette. And I'm happy to reciprocate!

DKoren said...

Hiya! Yes, you are correct, I found you through Hamlette and have been enjoying your blog posts etc. That's so cool that you love Errol Flynn's Robin Hood as well! It was so cool on the big screen. I am fortunate to be in an area where revival theaters show old movies on a regular basis.

Carissa (Regency Woman) said...

The only chance I get to see classics on the big screen is when they're re-released as a Fathom event. It doesn't happen often, but I did love seeing Singin' in the Rain a few years ago! You're quite lucky!

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