Films Reviewed on this Blog

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

MEMM - Day 15 - Favorite moment/line in An Unexpected Journey

1.  Bilbo putting himself between Azog and Thorin.  Sheer love!  This whole scene really, from Azog and his warg completely trouncing Thorin, to Kili, Fili, and Dwalin coming to the rescue.  But the best part, and my favorite part of the entire movie, is Bilbo standing between hunter and prey. 

2.  Crossing over into the Wild after leaving Rivendell.  Again with the gorgeous scenery and awesome music.  And I want to go hike these places so badly!


3.  Bilbo wandering around Rivendell.  No dialogue, just Bilbo taking it all in.  His expression says it all.

As for a favorite line in this one.  A toss up between Bilbo's "I have some skill at conkers, if you must know, but I fail to see why that's relevant" and Gollum/Bilbo's "If Baggins loses, we eats it whole" "Fair enough" exchange.


Olivia said...

Aww, yes, that scene! *happy sniffle*

Hahaha those lines you mentioned!

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

We're so different on this one! Not at all going to be my answers. But I do really love Bilbo jumping out to defend Thorin. And his moment of realization about what he's done and is faced with. Beautiful.

DKoren said...

Hee! We haven't overlapped on a single favorite moment within in a movie yet, though, so this is no surprise! :-D I doubt we'll overlap on the last two movies either? (Actually, we probably don't overlap on favorite moments in any of the movies we both love, even Lone Ranger, do we? We just love/need/are moved by different things!)

DKoren said...

Those lines, and their delivery, totally crack me up.

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

That's true. We love a lot of the same moments, but for different reasons, so we don't have the same absolute favorites.

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