Films Reviewed on this Blog

Friday, December 31, 2021

2021 in review

This was a strange, memorable year, filled in equal parts with wonder and horror.  So many amazing things happened this year and, yet, that was balanced by the awfulness of the state of the world.  Yin and Yang.  

As for movies, I saw exactly one movie in the theater this year.  That was Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.  I loved it, and it shot immediately into the top five of my favorite Marvel films.  

Seeing only one theatrical release taught me I really didn't miss going to the theater as much as I thought I would.  Now, a big part of that is that nothing was released this year that I really wanted to see, other than Shang-Chi.  I suspect 2022 will bring out more movies I'm genuinely interested in, but we'll see.  

At home, either on DVD, blu-ray, or streaming services, I watched over 130 movies.  Slightly less than half of those were new-to-me movies; the rest were re-watches.

Favorite new-to-me movies:

1. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) - fun and beautiful, with characters and a storyline I loved
2. Patton (1970) - not at all what I was expecting, and I loved it so much I watched it twice in a row.
3. Capricorn One (1977) - not sure how I never saw this one previously, but it was a good conspiracy theory movie that I really enjoyed.  I did not expect Telly Savalas to be so much fun.  He stole all his scenes.
4. Romeo and Juliet (2015 2-part series) - this one took a few liberties with the story and characters, but those changes enriched and helped make the story even better.  I was not expecting to enjoy this so much
5. The 300 Spartans (1962) - because, reasons


1. Futureworld (1976) - why oh why was this made??  After how good Westworld is, to turn this clunker out?  And that dream sequence... what the?????
2. Prometheus  (2012) - one of the very few movies I wish I could unsee.  Except for the part in the beginning where Michael Fassbender imitates Lawrence of Arabia, which was great.  I should have realized it was going to attempt to explain things and steered well clear.  I love Alien and Aliens, but this was pretty much the opposite of what I would have wanted for a prequel.

Best movie-viewing was running through a host of dystopian films.  I'd seen them all previously, but in light of where the world currently is, they were even more frightening than in the past.  Rollerball (1975) was my unexpected favorite, but also, surprisingly, the most terrifyingly realistic of all of them.  Why?  Because its future is ruled by large corporations, because of the censorship and how very few think for themselves, because individuality has been wiped out, and, most importantly, because the people have willingly given up their freedoms for security and comfort and they think that was the right choice to make.  Gee, none of that resonates right now, not at all.  *shudders*

Favorite tv series was the incomparable WandaVision, which currently tops all other Marvel movie/shows for me.  Brilliant, wonderful, satisfying.

I only picked up a couple new-to-me film scores this years.  Come Away by John Debney and Cliffs of Freedom by George Kallis are the two I've been listening to regularly, as they're part of the playlist for my new novel.

Favorite song from 2021 is off the new Duran Duran album.  The rest of the album did nothing for me, but I purchased this one immediately.

However, my favorite new-to-me song of the year is an older song, the Eagles "Waiting in the Weeds."  I'm not ordinarily a slow-song type girl, but this one is on its way to becoming my favorite song of all time.  It kept me sane this year whenever things got too bad.  (Runner-up song was Aerosmith's "Livin' on the Edge," which I also fell in love with.  Weird Al's parody "Livin' in the Fridge" is priceless.)

And so, 2021 draws to a close.  Good-bye!  Bring on the 2022!

Happy New Year, everyone!


Laura said...

Hi Deb! I enjoyed your overview. I agree so much about WANDAVISION, which I think is one of the finest pieces of art I've viewed in the last few years, film or TV.

I'm currently halfway through HAWKEYE and thoroughly enjoying it. But it would be difficult for any show to be both as entertaining and as profound as WANDAVISION.

I was surprised to see several new films in a theater this year: "franchise films" F9, BLACK WIDOW, SHANG-CHI and SPIDERMAN, plus ENCANTO and FREE GUY. Liked them all. A couple weekends at film festivals were the rest of my "theater" viewing for the year.

Best wishes for 2022!!

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

:-o I went to more movies in the theater than you did last year! That's a first, for sure.

I saw Patton many, many years ago, but really don't remember it. I think I may actually have a copy buried in my TBW stacks, so I'll get to it at some point.

Not sure I discovered much new music this year. I did buy a few soundtracks, but there wasn't anything I needed to listen to every day for weeks on end.

Happy New Year!

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

This post reminded me that I wanted to order a couple things from Screen Archives Entertainment, but fogot to do it over the holidays, and I'm super happy that they're still available, so I'll have some new music to listen to soon! I got the 2-disc score for It's a Wonderful Life, one that has Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation along with Dear Brigette, and a Henry Mancini CD with stuff from Hatari! and Pink Panther :-D

Eva said...

For some reason, Blogger refuses to notify me of new posts on this blog. I came here to see if you'd reviewed Assignment-Paris! because I just watched it and I know you're a Dana fan, and I saw you'd published some posts I hadn't read yet.

Anyway. I digress! What I really came here to comment on how you watched The 300 Spartans. That movie is SUCH a favorite of mine! When I watched it as a tween, I thought that Richard Egan's Leonidas was so, so cool and awesome and wonderful. When I watched it as an adult...I had pretty much the same opinion. ;) Nobody talks about this movie, so it was neat to see you mention it!

DKoren said...

Oh wow, everyone, so so sorry! Apparently, comments went on moderation and I didn't know that, nor was I notified that there were any comments awaiting moderation... so I completely missed these until right now. I think I've just approved everything, but yikes! It was not my intent to ignore anyone!!!! I'll reply to everyone shortly!

DKoren said...

Hi Laura - I really enjoyed the Hawkeye show as well, though it can't touch WandaVision. The good thing is, Hawkeye didn't try to compete. And it's so much lighter and fun, even though both shows deal with grief. I wasn't entirely sure what to make of Kate Bishop, but she grew rapidly on me. I rewatched the series and really appreciated it all much more on the second viewing. A worthy conclusion to Hawkeye's story, whereas WandaVision sets up future stuff. I still haven't seen the Black Widow movie, but plan to one of these days, and then I'll rewatch Hawkeye again. And I wish now that I'd seen Free Guy in the theater! There's so much stuff to look at and the small screen just doesn't do it all justice!

Hamlette - I'm sure you'll see far more movies in the theater than me this year too!! :-D Hope those new soundtracks you snagged were good ones!

Eva - considering I never knew I had all these comments, I think my blog got sucked into a black hole!! No notifications going out on anything to anyone! Even me! You know, for having seen just about all of Dana's movies, I have reviewed very very few of them here. I've seen Assignment-Paris... but it's been a while now and I've forgotten the details! I obviously didn't like it enough to watch it over and over, but I remember it had some good things in it too. Hm. Guess I need to re-watch!!! Yay! Someone who also loves The 300 Spartans. :-D So cool that it's a favorite of yours!

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