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Friday, January 05, 2024

RIP David Soul, Glynis Johns

I'm saddened by the news today that David Soul has passed on.  We all have favorite actors, of course, but we also have some actors who mean a bit more to us.  David Soul was one of those.  I'll be watching some Starsky & Hutch tonight.

And I just heard Glynis Johns too???  Adding The Court Jester to my list of watching for the day.  It's my favorite movie of hers.  How I wanted to be her in that role when I was young!

 RIP to both.  You made my life richer for your movies, shows, and singing.


Thankful for Grace said...

I don't write a blog anymore, nor do I read them much anymore. But you crossed my mind today, so I went about the monumental task of finding your blog (I "follow" it through an old Blogger profile, which I can no longer access.)

How are you? Are you still in north Idaho? All well here. I am now a grandma! My daughter had a little girl in 2021, so my precious granddaughter is almost 2 1/2. I watch her 3 days a week---exhausting, but I cherish my time with little love.

I am still in love with Gary Cooper and William Holden and watch their movies as often as I can. But I balance them out with All Creatures Great & Small and British mysteries (especially those starring the beautiful Richard Armitage.)

Have a great day,
Patti Gardner

DKoren said...

Patti! It is so good to hear from you! I think about you often. Yep, still in Northern Idaho. Congrats on becoming a grandmother! Also, wow, how quickly she's growing!

Richard Armitage... yes, indeed. He makes most things worth watching!

Are you still at the same email? I'll send you all the latest!

Thankful for Grace said...

the email I use now is

Do email me! I'd love to catch up.

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

I somehow missed this post. (Not shocking considering how the last few months have gone, I guess.) Anyway, I hope you got to watch some S&H in January.

I nominated you for a Sunshine Award. Play if you want to!

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