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Friday, April 05, 2024

Sunshine Blogger Award

Hamlette nominated me for this one, so here we go!



The Rules:
  • Display the award’s official logo somewhere on your blog. 
  • Thank the person who nominated you. 
  • Provide a link to your nominator’s blog. 
  • Answer your nominator’s questions. 
  • Nominate up to 11 bloggers. 
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions. 
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on at least one of their blog posts.


1. What's the first movie you have a memory of watching?
I don't.  There were movies playing on television daily growing up. Cinematic images and characters are part of my childhood landscape, but there's no way to pull one out of a hat as the first. 
2. Have you ever written a fan letter to a celebrity?  (If so, did you get a reply?)
No, never wrote a fan letter.
3. What are the three funniest movies you have ever seen?
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963), Tropic Thunder (2008), Free Guy (2021)
4. What movie do you really want to change the ending of?
I'm sure I have several, but for the moment, I can't think of any where the ending is the only thing I would change.  I just keep thinking of movies where I want to change a lot more.
5. What movie do you wish had a sequel, but it doesn't?
The Man from U.N.C.L.E (2015) and The Lone Ranger (2013)
6. Who were were favorite actor and actress when you were a teen?
David Hedison, didn't have a favorite actress (I had lots of favorite female characters, but not actresses)
7. Who are your favorite actor and actress now?
Ben Mendelsohn, still have lots of favorite female characters, but not actresses
8. Does anyone else in your family love movies?
9. If you could pick an actor/actress to play you in a movie, who would you choose?
Sela Ward
10. Do you ever watch a movie in the theater more than once?
Oh yeah, all the time.  Countless movies. Going back to see a movie I love in the theater over and over is one of the great joys in life.  Or it used to be.  When there were movies worth seeing.
11. Are there any movies coming out in 2024 that you are looking forward to?
The re-release of The Fifth Element (1997) in November.  I honestly don't think I could name a single new movie coming out this year.  I've gotten so out of touch with movies. I suppose I should go look at a  release schedule.

 Thanks for nominating me, Hamlette!  Fun questions!


Hamlette (Rachel) said...

I was thinking specifically of UNCLE and LR when I wrote that fifth question, heh.

I need to look at the release schedule for this month because the AMC rewards program always gives me a free popcorn for my birthday month, and I don't know at all if there's going to be anything I want to see! I just haven't looked that up recently. So, I shall.

DKoren said...

Yeah. I want the UNCLE sequel more than the LR one, cuz I don't want the LR perfection to be mucked with. But I feel there's no way the UNCLE sequel would go wrong. it would just plain rock.

If you see anything worth seeing, let me know!

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

I've tagged you here with the Christmas Movies Tag -- play if you want to!

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