Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Ursula K. le Guin

Very sad news.  I just read that Ursula K. le Guin has passed away.  I have a shelf of her books I wouldn't trade for anything.  I have a few authors I revisit frequently, and she's one of them.  She is one of the best writers ever, in any genre.  I have always been in awe of what she could do with the written word.  Her collection of novellas, Four Ways to Forgiveness, and The Earthsea Trilogy are among my favorite books.  RIP.


Charity said...

Aww, I'm sorry. I only read one of her books, but she had quite an imagination. :(

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

:-( She's a favorite for two of my best friends, and I need to read more of her so I can see why you both like her so well. What would you recommend I try to get from the library?

DKoren said...

Thanks. She is a giant in the world of SF literature, one of the most influential of authors.

DKoren said...

I can't really see you loving her books, as I can never picture you reading scifi stuff. That said, you can't go wrong with the Earthsea Trilogy. It's fantasy instead of scifi, and young adult-oriented. And I would recommend Four Ways to Forgiveness. The writing in that is something I always savor.

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

Even if I don't love them, I should at least try one. (I do enjoy sci-fi that's heavier on the fi than the sci, but not as a steady diet.) I'll see what my library has!

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

Okay, library doesn't have Four Ways to Forgiveness, so instead I put a hold on a collection of her short stories, and also one of her picture books for the kids.