Monday, June 05, 2023

Raiders of the Lost Ark on the big screen... again!

Raiders was back on the big screen here last night, so my family went over to catch it.  We had a couple family members who had not seen it in the cinema before, so we didn't want to miss the opportunity.

It was also the first time my sister and I got to see it together in the theater since 1981, when we saw it a ridiculous number of times in the theater with my mom .  That made the evening very special for us. We were transported back to that time, eating our necco wafers, knowing every line of dialogue, every note of music, every sound effect, and reveling in all of it.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is not the same movie on the small screen.  It's meant to be seen big, and it is so good that way.  What a fantastic evening it was at the theater last night!

I wish they were re-releasing the other Indy films prior to the release of the new one, but it appears that is not to be.  I have no idea what to think of the new film yet.  The glimpses of scenes set back in WWII seem fantastic, the rest... not so much.  I guess we'll find out come the end of June how it stacks up!