Tuesday, August 08, 2023

A Sunshine Blogger Award

Hamlette the Dame has tagged me with a Sunshine Blogger Award!  Thank you!  These are always fun because the questions change every time this one goes around.

The Rules

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog. 
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you. 
3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions. 
4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

 On to the questions:

1.  What's the last movie you watched?
The Last Run (1971) with George C. Scott.  Jerry Goldsmith's score to this movie is one of my all-time favorites, and I've wanted to see the movie for ages.  It had a great car chase and some lovely on location scenery.  George C. Scott was excellent, the rest of the cast not so much. Not as bad a film as I was expecting based on some reviews, but not one I'd probably watch in its entirety again either.

2.  What's the next movie you plan to watch?
Unknown.  That will get decided spur of the moment next time I want to watch something, or perhaps it will be something the family chooses.

3.  What new movie release are you looking forward to?
None?  I'm actually not even aware of anything coming out for the rest of the year that I want to see.  I'm looking forward more to the Ahsoka series than anything in the theater.  Oh!  I thought of one that I will go see, given that I've seen the rest of the franchise in the theater, and that is Expendables 4.  I am looking forward to that!

4.  What TV show(s) have you seen every episode of at least once?
Star Trek, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Starsky and Hutch, Highlander, Hercules, Xena, Jack of All Trades, Rejseholdet, Lonesome Dove: the Outlaw Years, Nowhere Man, Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, The Adventures of Brisco County Jr., Earth 2, Young Indiana Jones, Rat Patrol, Burn Notice, The Unusuals, The Magnificent Seven, all the Star Wars series, most of the Marvel series, Time Tunnel, Forever, Almost Human, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Quantum Leap, Sisters, Once Upon a Time... and so many more.

5.  Pirates or vampires?
Depends upon the context, but I think I'd prefer a ship full of vampire pirates than either one separately.  Now that would be fun. 

6.  Do you own a camera?
Not anymore.  I'm just down to using the camera on my cellphone.

7.  What's the last thing you did outside?
Filled the trash can with yard waste and trundled it down to the street for pickup tomorrow.

8.  How far do you live from where you were born?
Approx 1300 miles.

9.  Have you ever ridden a horse?
Yes, and my family owned a horse for many years.

10.  What ice cream flavor do you heartily dislike?
I'm not an ice cream person, so I really only like vanilla.  Even that I eat only rarely, and I usually regret it as soon as I've had it.  I suppose ice cream with chunks of stuff in it is probably the worst for me. 

11.  What was the last thing you ate as a snack?
Gluten-free pretzels.

And since I've gone so dormant on this blog, I no longer have many readers.  I don't think I even have 11 blogs I could pass this on to anymore!


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